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Ian Murdoc creador de Debian ha muerto

Hoy me entero que Ian Murdoc se ha suicidado después de sufrir violencia policial en un turbulento suceso que le ocurrió en su casa.

Todavía no me lo creo, parece que es una inocentada. Espero que así sea, no veo noticias que desmientan el suceso.

Vaya salida de año…

Descanse en Paz.


7:12pm: I am a white male, make a lot money, pay a lot of money in taxes, and yet their abuse is equally doned out. DO NOT CROSS THEM!
7:08pm: This was right after the female officer ripped off my underwear.. I guess that’s not considered rape if you’re not a woman being raped.
7:03pm: “We’re the police, we can do whatever the fuck we want..”
6:49pm: What does one have to get education wise to become a police officer.. asking for a friend.
6:42pm: The rest of my life is to fight against the police.. they are NOT friends, so don’t ever ever believe otherwise.
6:41pm: The police are uneducated, evil, and sadistic. Do not trust them.
6:33pm: (2/2) They are uneducated, bitter, and and only interested in power for its own sake. Contact me if you can help. -ian
6:31pm: (1/2) The rest of my life will be devoted to fighting against police abuse.. I’m white, I made $1.4 million last year,
6:07pm: i’m hoping coming from a successful white guy it will help everyone
6:06pm: i’m going to post my case on my blog.. if anyone can post it on hacker news or wherever i would apprieciate it
6:00pm: @jacksormwriter wants me dead
5:48pm: Writing up my experience for others to hopefully prevent others from police abuse then you won’t hear from me again
5:45pm: where they put you in a cell with absolutely no instructions whatever aside from the spell on the floor in piss?
5:45pm: shall i post pictures for all my bruises from my against the police officers?
5:38pm: they said no
5:38pm: i asked if they had cameras
5:37pm: then followed my home from there
5:37pm: i had to have swtitches
5:36pm: then they pulled me out of my house and did it again
5:36pm: they followed me home
5:36pm: i had to go to the hospital
5:35pm: they beat the shit out of me twice, then charged me $25,000 to get out of jail for battery against THEM
5:34pm: if anyone wants to come over and see what the police did to me i would be more than happy for that
5:30pm: I’m not committing suicide today. I’ll write this all up first, so the police brutality ENDEMIC in this so call free country will be known.
5:27pm: Maybe my suicide at this, you now, a successful business man, not a NIGGER, will finally bring some attention to this very serious issue.
5:25pm: My career is over now, so I’ll be gone soon.
5:23pm: Quote: “We’re the police, we always win.”
5:22pm: I’ll write more much later. They still don’t have cameras on all police so I’m going to use my somewhat celebrity to hopefully stop this.
5:21pm: My bail for “assault against a police officer” are all that: $25,000.
5:20pm: Then beat me up some more.
5:20pm: I’ll write more on my blog later. But the police here beat me up for knowing on my neighbor’s door.. they sent me to the hospital.
5:14pm: watch my blog later
5:13pm: i’m committing suicide tonight.. do not intervene as i have many stories to tell and do not want them to die with me #debian #runnerkristy67

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